Muco & Friends Foundation IBAN NL21 INGB 0006 1429 43 Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 58592997 Muco & Friends holds the ANBI status
Muco & Friends Foundation holds the status of an "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling" (ANBI), which is granted by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
This signifies that Muco & Friends operates without a profit motive and is committed to serving the general interest.
Muco & Friends also adheres to the following requirements set by the Dutch Tax and Customs
Administration: For an organization to qualify as an ANBI, its purpose and actual activities must serve a public interest of 90% or more.
The organization's regulations, such as its articles of association, rules, or policy plan, and its actual activities must demonstrate the absence of a profit motive.
A natural person or legal entity in the capacity of a director and/or policymaker cannot treat the organization's assets as if they were their own.
The organization may retain no more assets than is reasonably necessary for the continuity of the intended activities for the organization's purpose.
Board members of the organization may only receive reimbursement for expenses and a non-excessive attendance fee as compensation, and may not receive any other remuneration.
The ANBI status is denied if a director or influential individual has been irrevocably convicted of incitement to hatred, incitement to violence, or the use of violence within the past four years.
An ANBI must have a current policy plan, a document that provides insight into how the ANBI's objective is executed.
Fundraising costs and the management expenses of the organization must be in reasonable proportion to the expenditures for the organization's purpose.
The organization's regulations must stipulate that in the event of dissolution, any positive liquidation balance must be allocated to a qualifying charitable organization or used in any other manner that serves the general interest.
The organization's administration must be organized in such a way that the stipulated requirements are verifiable by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
An ANBI may engage in commercial activities to finance its objective if the income, which is the balance of income and expenses, realized from those activities, in accordance with the spending criterion, is entirely or almost entirely devoted to the organization's purpose within a reasonable period.
If you have any further requests or need additional information, feel free to ask!