Our actions Recruiting sponsors and donors among entrepreneurs and individuals Ape in Action Annual recurring actions Temporary and one-time actions Fixed actions

Onze acties
Werving sponsors en donateurs onder ondernemers en particulieren
Aap in actie
Jaarlijks terugkerende acties
Tijdelijke en eenmalige acties
Vaste acties

Some examples
Markets and street fairs


Temporary or one-time actions refer to initiatives (1 or 2 times a year) in which ambassadors, volunteers, and sponsors raise money for scientific research.

Temporary and one-time actions are often spontaneous initiatives carried out by ambassadors, volunteers, or sponsors.


-Selling postcards featuring Muco's image.

- Monkey sales at the Four Days of Swimming in Leiden

- Selling monkeys at the Ladies Run in Leiden.

Markets and Fairs

Other one-time or temporary actions include our beautifully arranged and cozy stalls at markets and fairs, where our monkeys are offered for sale, as well as numerous other lovely plush toys from our online store Happy Horse.

The proceeds from the sale of products from our online store Happy Horse are intended for scientific research supported by the Muco & Friends Foundation.


If people have ideas for an action, they can contact Muco & Friends. We will then discuss with the initiator whether the idea fits within the goals of the Muco & Friends Foundation and how the initiative will be carried out.


Youth is the future. That's why we're happy to provide information and explanations about what CF is at schools! But also to student associations, service clubs, and many other organizations.